Monsters is an interesting word
But it's the only term I can think of for all these creatures I intend to post about.
If you've ever spoken to me, or even just seeing my webpages, you probably could guess I was a 'weird kid', and often bullied for it pretty often. I somehow developed both an abundance of shame and the inability to shut up about the things that interest me. I'm in my mid 20s now and slightly tipsy at 3 am on a Thursday night and decided, "hey, why not put all these creature thoughts onto a web page that hardly anyone will ever see?" and so I am. I enjoy designing web sites, and talking endlessly about the occult and supernatural, so it seems inevitable to make this site (and slightly inevitable to eventually forget about it and never update it again)
I'm still working on the site for now, but I have no promises that it'll remain active, just know that I don't intend for those links up top to lead to blank pages for long. As of now, I'm going to take a break from this to clean up my snake's tank then likely go to bed. On the off chance someone other than myself or a friend sees this site; hi! Nice to meet you! I hope you like monsters.
<- Ghostring ->Some of my other sites